Tag: skills development
This paper sets out the key lessons from the ‘Qualitative Evaluation of Demand-led Skill Solutions’ in relation to employer investment and engagement in the design and development of skills solutions. Key findings include: There has been a shift from employer engagement being about asking key employers ‘what do you want?’ to asking them ‘what can… Read more
This guide is a part of the ETF, ILO and Cedefop series of guides on skills anticipation and matching. It examines the role of employment service providers in skills anticipation and matching, and aims to support transition and developing countries in establishing and strengthening the role of these providers. It identifies outstanding initiatives and good practices… Read more
Skills have become increasingly important in the globalised world. Vocational and technical skills are essential, but employers are seeking applicants with wider skills. This Guide is designed to guide readers through the key issues in identifying the relevant core skills for employability, understanding their importance and ways these skills can be delivered, attained and recognised. An ILO… Read more
Increasing access to education and skills development through technology, particularly for ‘21st century skills,’ can offer opportunities for displaced youth. Alternately, not investing in, and encouraging, new and innovative ways of delivering training, skills and education will result in many youth falling further behind. The gap between those who can contribute to the economy and… Read more
This article looks at what influences a child’s ability to be resilient and how supportive caregiver relationships are key to children’s positive development outcomes. Science shows that children who do well despite serious hardship have had at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive adult. These relationships buffer children from developmental disruption and help… Read more
This document includes three papers. The first ‘Sector Skills Councils: Can they enhance employer engagement in skills development systems?’ reviews the case of sector skills councils (SSCs). The authors review the argument that a productive approach to linking skills supply and demand requires a focus on generating and sustaining a high skills equilibrium, a situation… Read more
The informal sector of Sub-Saharan Africa is comprised of small and household enterprises that operate in the non-farm sector outside the protected employment of the formal wage sector. The sector was identified 40 years ago by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) representing a pool of surplus labour that was expected to be absorbed by future… Read more
The global labour market in 2015 was characterised by high unemployment, with large numbers of people either unemployed, underemployed or in vulnerable jobs. Women have most difficulty accessing decent work and are under-represented in the labour force. This has occurred despite an accelerating pace of growth in the 21st century. In parallel with the steady rise… Read more
In no region other than Africa is the trade-off drawn more sharply between the achievement of skills development with technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and providing universal basic education. Both are important to economic growth and poverty reduction, but the fiscal and administrative capacity of the state to meet both goals is limited…. Read more
Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF) commissions vocational training by engaging training service providers (TSPs) through a competitive bidding process. It designs training schemes that allow for quality and cost competition among training providers from different sectors. Skills for Job 2012 (SFJ 2012) was one of the schemes that had been designed by PSDF to expand… Read more