Tag: Social Protection
‘Modern slavery’ encompasses a variety of situations in which one person is forcibly controlled by one or more others for the purpose of exploitation (Cockayne, 2015). ‘Forced or compulsory labour’ is defined by the ILO Forced Labour Convention as ‘all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty… Read more
Financing for social protection often comes from government funds. Any way of expanding fiscal space could therefore be useful with the political will for prioritisation (UNESCP, 2016). Egypt created an Economic Justice Unit in the Ministry of Finance to review expenditure priorities, and Costa Rica and Thailand shifted military spending to finance universal health services… Read more
Estimates of how many jobs are vulnerable to being replaced by machine vary but it is clear that developing countries are more susceptible to automation compared to high-income countries. Traditionally, blue-collar routine jobs have been automated but with the emergence of greatly improved computing power, artificial intelligence and robotics, a much larger scope of occupations… Read more
Social protection is increasingly recognised as a key route to reducing children’s poverty and vulnerability. It is assumed to have direct or indirect effects on specific challenges that children face, such as child labour. Child labour is not often included as a main aim of social protection, and therefore is not commonly tracked systematically (de… Read more
In 2003, the government of Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva launched a comprehensive program to stimulate growth and social progress. On the social side, the centerpiece was a sweeping reform of Brazil’s social safety net, the Bolsa Familia Program (BFP), which integrated four cash transfer programs into a single program under the umbrella of a… Read more
The social policy of the Mexican Government is aimed to improve human development and wellbeing among Mexicans through the development of their capacities in health, education and nutrition, in order to promote equality and overcome poverty. Oportunidades is one of the core axes of Mexican policy, and in 2012 is benefiting 5.8 million families. Other… Read more
This GSDRC resource guide provides a reference for policymakers and practitioners involved in social protection. It introduces some of the best literature on the understandings and types of social protection, the design and implementation problems to be considered, the potential for mainstreaming other development concerns into social protection programming, and the major debates both the… Read more
The rapid growth in social protection programs has been fueled in part by the promise of this approach to reduce poverty, including emerging findings on improved child health and education outcomes. In parallel, early childhood care and development (ECCD) is also gaining wide recognition as a robust and viable approach to building human capital and… Read more