Tag: Sport
This helpdesk report is the concluding report in the query addressing psycho-social interventions in protracted crises with reference to Syria and its neighbouring countries as well as from other fragile and conflict affected states (FACS). This report specifically addresses sports/physical education programmes in and around Syria and its impact. Until recently, arts and sport/physical education… Read more
Some individual studies noted factors for success and what did not work well. However, there was not enough evidence to get a synthesis on barriers and enablers to sport for development in general. Often programmes in the literature were described but rarely evaluated. Where they were evaluated, specific features contributing to success or otherwise were… Read more
There is some strong evidence in academic literature linking sport and development. There is a significant amount of evidence to suggest that sport-based programs improve the learning performance of children and youth, facilitating educational attainment and encouraging them to stay in school, and that sport-based programs in schools aid in the social development of young… Read more