Tag: teaching
Vietnam’s government schools have attracted a great deal of international attention since the publication of the 2012 PISA student tests: Vietnamese students performed particularly well in science, ranking eighth globally out of 65 participating jurisdictions; Vietnam maintained this position in 2015. This report investigates what lies behind Vietnam’s learning success. Vietnam’s PISA results have shown… Read more
Where have all the teachers gone? Why there are never any teachers in Africa’s refugee camps and what we can do about it, is chapter 10 of Next steps in managing teacher migration: papers of the sixth Commonwealth research symposium on teacher mobility, recruitment and migration. When it is time to start formal education soon after… Read more
This review addresses the characteristics of effective teachers, tackles the problems in recruiting and securing the best candidates to teaching roles and identifies best practice in not only recruiting, but also deploying and retaining teachers. There is overwhelming evidence that teachers have the most effect on pupil outcomes (closely followed by the quality of leadership)…. Read more
These helpdesks were designed to enable an extensive search for evidence on various methods for improving learning. There are a series of six similar reports, each is based on an edit of a literature search for their chosen method. After the initial search had been done the search fields were expanded to include further search… Read more
Document Summary: The concept of inclusive education as a twin-track approach is important. The approach can improve the quality of education for all yet also provide specialised support where needed for children with disabilities. Every teacher needs to learn about inclusive education, from day one of their training. This should be achieved by embedding inclusion,… Read more
A rights-based, child-friendly school has two basic characteristics: it is child-seeking and child-centred. Teachers are the single most important factor in creating an effective and inclusive classroom. Child-friendly schools aim to develop a learning environment in which children are motivated and able to learn. Staff members are friendly and welcoming to children and attend to… Read more