Tag: technical education
Having successfully expanded school coverage to unprecedented levels, countries in the Middle East and North Africa are turning their attention to improving the quality of learning opportunities for their citizens. This report is the result of a joint analysis of the main challenges for the reform of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in the… Read more
This publication takes stock of the steadily increasing demands and expectations on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems around the globe and presents recent policy trends in the field of TVET. The authors provide insights into what it takes to unleash the potential of TVET systems around the world. They propose an integrated… Read more
The dramatic increase of low-income, low-skilled youth in labour markets is of concern particularly in developing countries. In some of these countries, young people are nearly three times as likely as adults to be unemployed. Youths are also more likely to work in the informal labour market than adults, in low quality jobs that offer… Read more
Rwanda has in recent years has made progress in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. 56% of the parliamentarians in Rwanda are women – the highest in the world. Rwanda has managed to close the gender gap in gross and net enrolments in primary education. Despite these achievements, challenges remain. For example, it is still… Read more
South Africa is making policy efforts to invest in a green economy. It is hoped that the green economy will drive growth, provide jobs and ultimately reduce poverty. It has been identified as a key sector for employment creation with the potential for creating at least 300,000 additional direct jobs by 2020. Job creation is… Read more
This study discusses the need for developing countries to improve economic productivity. It draws on lessons from successful country experiences with skills training to develop an approach to the development of public training policies. The authors suggest that improving the job skills of the work force in developing countries is necessary if they are to… Read more
The 3rd international congress on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) was held in Shanghai in May 2012. More than 500 representatives from 117 countries attended the Congress, which looked at ways of transforming TVET to make it more responsive to the needs of 21st century societies. The Shanghai Consensus details the recommendations of the… Read more