Tag: Technology
Assistive technologies enable people to live healthy, productive, independent and dignified lives, yet most people who need them are currently unable to access them. This rapid review looks at examples of existing literature on the availability of assistive technologies and efforts to make these technologies more affordable and accessible in developing countries. A scoping review… Read more
This annotated bibliography collates extracts from recently published flagship policy reports on digital inclusion in international development, highlighting the key messages, trends and issues. The digital inclusion agenda seeks to close the gaps in access to, and adoption of, fast evolving information and communication technology (ICTs) services, particularly mobile phones and the internet. It is… Read more
New innovations and technology, including mobiles and internet, have enormous potential for increasing access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). They can be particularly helpful in reaching hard to access groups, including remote or stigmatised populations, due to the rapid spread of telecommunications infrastructure, mobile phones and broadband usage in low and middle… Read more
This report explores the evidence that online education programmes/tools/apps lead to measurable gains in learning. The strongest evidence comes from a randomised control trial in Malawi. The research reports on a maths tablet intervention that shows significant effects when analysing pre- and post-test data. Another experiment reported in a journal looked at self-organised learning systems… Read more
The purpose of this study was to explore teachers and students’ perceptions of English language learning during the early phase of the English in Action (EIA) intervention in Primary and Secondary schools in Bangladesh. After the launch of the EIA interventions in Primary and Secondary schools in February- March 2010, the study was designed with… Read more
This report includes the following sections: Use of community scorecards (CSCs) to improve nutrition services: A World Bank pilot project in Maharashtra, India measured improvements in child malnutrition as a result of CSCs. An IDS paper concludes that it is unknown if social audits improve nutrition status, but can reasonably infer improvements from improvements in… Read more
This report gives an overview of the health situation in Tanzania and their progress towards the goals set in the health Millennium Development Goals. The Joint External Evaluation of the Health Sector in Tanzania concluded that the Health SWAp has contributed to improvements in health outcomes and to improvements in the quality of health services… Read more
mHealth refers to medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices. Mobile phones and internet technology are being used in developing countries for health projects with some success. The bulk of the literature is on phones being used for workers to communicate with patients and for reporting and surveillance, rather than for communication between… Read more
There is a significant body of evidence showing the efforts of educational institutes all over the world to innovate their educational systems in order to extend services, improve performance and communication flows, and to reduce costs. There is a wide list of diverse promoters of innovative initiatives in education including international organisations active in the… Read more
HRC Report: This paper focuses on the complementary roles of Product Development Partnerships and Advanced Market Commitments as mechanisms to incentivise industry towards the development of health technologies for neglected diseases in developing countries.
HRC REPORT: Technical Assistance (TA) is understood to be the transfer, adaptation, mobilisation and utilisation of services, skills, knowledge and technology. The following report describes several forms of TA pooling arrangements in Africa, Asia and Latin America, draws from lessons learned and provides a short analysis of current trends in pooling TA.