The 3rd international congress on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) was held in Shanghai in May 2012. More than 500 representatives from 117 countries attended the Congress, which looked at ways of transforming TVET to make it more responsive to the needs of 21st century societies. The Shanghai Consensus details the recommendations of the… Read more
Through environmental protection, the green economy offers opportunities for more economic growth, increased prosperity and social justice. Environmental protection, economic growth and poverty reduction can go hand in hand. TVET is central to sustainable development of the green economy, as it prepares people to consider environmental and sustainability aspects for appropriate application in their professional… Read more
This document details the report of the Open Working Group of the UN General Assembly on the SDGs. It details recommendations for the post-2015 development agenda. A total of 17 SDGs are recommended. Goal 4 is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Target 4.4 is focused specifically… Read more
This paper presents eight proposals that are based on several bodies of work on skills development. They aim to incorporate the detail of the discussion on skills development, some new ways of thinking about the topic, some priority areas and neglected issues, key topics, as well as data and research needs. The eight proposals are… Read more
As many as 24 million youths live in Ghana. In the last 20 years it has shown impressive gains in economic growth and in poverty reduction. Sustained growth requires three steps: Increase productivity in the strategic economic sectors Diversify the economy Expand employment Raising the quality and quantity of skills provides a contribution to these… Read more
This paper reports a comparative analysis of education trends in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Collectively these countries have emerging economies and are known as BRICS. The analysis indicates that the BRICS have shared aspirations but different development trajectories. There are good opportunities for educational progression through knowledge exchange and joint activities. Following… Read more
This study considers the drivers and meanings behind the dramatic rise of TVET in the policy and political agenda of India. It explores assumptions about the existing traditions and character of India’s culture and cultures of skills development. There is a paucity of long-term research on the TVET/skills development sector, although the recent growth in… Read more
This report focuses on TVET in the South African Development Community (SADC). It finds that there is a very weak current knowledge base for TVET in the region. This report is a first step towards better knowledge on TVET for better policies and practices. TVET is recognised as important in SADC’s protocol on education and… Read more
The focus of this report is human development and skills development in West Bengal, in the context of economic growth. The current status of skills development are presented, along with potential ways align the production of skills and economic growth needs. Characteristics of the technical and vocational education and training system that produces skills are… Read more
Globalisation and technological changes to economies necessitate enhancement of literacy education and training. This paper focuses on the Draft National TVET Policy for Sierra Leone (DNTVET). This has been described as a high priority for the Government and all the Skills Development (SD) stakeholders in the Second Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP-11, 2009-2012). Enterprise and… Read more
This synthesis is concerned with the definition of the word ‘skill’. It argues that the word skill often has different meanings when being used in different contexts. Economists, sociologists and psychologists all ascribe high importance to skills, yet frequently define skills in different ways. Skill and competence are often interchanged. A simple functional concept is… Read more