Tag: Uganda
Children in northern Uganda have undergone significant psychosocial stress during the region’s lengthy conflict. A Psychosocial Structured Activities (PSSA) programme was implemented in 21 schools identified as amongst those most severely affected by conflict-induced displacement across Gulu and Amuru Districts. The PSSA intervention comprised a series of 15 class sessions designed to progressively increase children’s… Read more
This report examines the influences on educational programming in conflict-induced emergencies. It questions whether standardised interventions are appropriate and effective educational responses, and focuses on child-friendly spaces, school-feeding programmes, and pre-packaged education kits. It draws on a review of literature, and the country studies of Sudan, Lebanon, Uganda, and Timor-Leste.
This research seeks to explore the education of refugee children in Uganda. Specifically, it addresses the multiple ways in which refugees access education and the social effects of the differing forms of education on the creation of stability for refugee children. Conditions in Uganda have allowed the development of four distinct arenas in which the… Read more
Assessment in education in Uganda takes many forms: for example, the Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) and Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) examinations, the National Assessment of Progress in Education (NAPE) and other system-wide tests, practice examinations used in schools, formal and informal classroom assessment. Uganda’s assessment system is a complex and interconnected web of all… Read more
Information about school performance can be powerful. Governments can use it to drive an accountability system, and schools can use data to identify areas for self-improvement. However, to be useful, the data need to provide fair and accurate information about school quality. In the UK, Ark’s chain of academy schools is at the forefront of… Read more
A school’s success in promoting learning is often measured in terms of the examination results of the students. Value added measures are designed to account for the ability of a school’s intake to provide a fairer and more accurate indication of performance. They are being increasingly used to provide more accurate data about the quality… Read more
An increasing number of studies have found that girls in low-income settings miss or struggle at school during menstruation if they are unable to manage their menstrual hygiene effectively. This study explores the menstrual hygiene practices and knowledge of girls at rural government primary schools in the Rukungiri district in Uganda and assesses the extent… Read more
Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) is a largely overlooked issue in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector. Every day, millions of menstruating girls and women in low-income countries struggle to find clean water for washing, private places for changing and adequate blood absorbing materials. This study aims to explore the difficulties experienced by schoolgirls in… Read more
Improving student learning outcomes is one of the top priorities for the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology & Sports (MOESTS). Valid and reliable measures of the quality and distribution of student learning outcomes are essential components in the drive for improved education quality. However, improved learning achievement depends not only on the resources invested in… Read more
This article examines the outcomes of affirmative action policies aimed at improving access for women students to university education in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Different interpretations of affirmative action are found in the three countries. These include lower entry scores, remedial pre-university programmes and financial assistance. There are limitations and weaknesses inherent in the piecemeal… Read more
The Ugandan Government has been recognised for adopting policies that have promoted a universal gender mainstreaming agenda. Uganda has been a relatively stable country for the last 30 years though its Northern region sustained a confined 20-year civil war. In the post-conflict setting, there is a convergence of this gender mainstreaming agenda with other dynamics… Read more