Tag: undernutrition
Child undernutrition is one of the most devastating realities in many parts of the world. Globally in 2015, 159 million children below the age of five years were too short for their age (stunted) and 50 million were too thin for their height (wasted). Inadequate nutrition in early childhood can have lifelong consequences, including poor… Read more
On 1st and 2nd March 2016, over 150 stakeholders met in Abuja to discuss how to tackle undernutrition in Northern Nigeria, including staff from State and Federal Government, international development partners, civil society organisations and academic institutions. The meeting was convened in Abuja in partnership with the Federal Ministry for Budget and National Planning, the… Read more
South Asia has long been synonymous with unusually high rates of undernutrition. In the past decade, however, Nepal has arguably achieved the fastest recorded decline in child stunting in the world and has done so in the midst of civil war and post-conflict political instability. Given recent interest in reducing undernutrition – particularly the role… Read more
This paper brings structure to the discussion of private-sector engagement in nutrition by clarifying different models of engagement, reviews the evidence base on public-private partnerships (PPPs) for the reduction of undernutrition, and outlines some potential ways forward. The paper finds that there are few independent, rigorous assessments of the impact of commercial-sector engagement in nutrition…. Read more
The India Health Report: Nutrition 2015 surveys the trends in maternal and child undernutrition in India. It looks at trends and disparities in these outcomes across geographical regions, socio-economic classes, and demographic groups. Tackling undernutrition and enabling improvements in the determinants of poor nutrition requires actions from multiple actors and sectors, and at multiple levels. In… Read more
The DFID Programme to Accelerate Improved Nutrition for the Extreme Poor in Bangladesh aims to improve nutrition outcomes for children, mothers and adolescent girls by integrating the delivery of a number of nutrition-specific (or direct) interventions with the livelihood support provided to extremely poor people by three existing programmes in Bangladesh. These three programmes are… Read more
Undernutrition among children is one of the most important health problems in developing countries. In order to understand the complex pathways affecting undernutrition which is crucial for policy interventions, one needs to explicitly model the dependence chain of immediate, intermediate, and underlying factors affecting undernutrition. Graphical chain models are used here to investigate the determinants… Read more
This study aimed to assess the determinants of under nutrition among under-two year old children of rural Bangladesh. The data of the National Nutrition Program baseline survey conducted in 2004 was analysed, which included 8,885 under-two children and their mothers. Among the children studied, 41%, 35% and 18% were stunted, underweight, and wasted; and 16%,… Read more
In the Sindh Province of Pakistan, under-nutrition remains a recognized health problem and plays a substantial role in the region’s elevated maternal and child morbidity and mortality rates. Forty per cent of children are underweight and 73% of children and 62% of pregnant women are anaemic. In this report a nutrition governance framework was applied… Read more
In the Punjab Province of Pakistan, under-nutrition remains a recognized health problem and plays a substantial role in the region’s elevated maternal and child morbidity and mortality rates. Although Punjab as a whole has marginally less under-nutrition than other provinces, there are large disparities within the province. In this report a nutrition governance framework was… Read more
In the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Province of Pakistan, under-nutrition remains a recognized health problem and plays a substantial role in the region’s elevated maternal and child morbidity and mortality rates. Forty-eight per cent of children have stunted growth 68.5% of children and 76.2% of pregnant women have vitamin A deficiency. In this report a nutrition… Read more