Tag: Universal access
Monitoring progress on the new Global Goal for access to education will require research to capture data on the most disadvantaged children, particularly those excluded from formal schooling. In today’s blog, Ben Alcott and Pauline Rose argue that better data makes better policy. For educational access, this means gathering more data, over longer time periods,… Read more
Universal design is about access and also creating a more inclusive and learning-friendly environment in school. Schools that are built based on universal design principles will be more effective because they will enable children to learn, develop, and participate, instead of “disable” children by creating barriers to their development and participation. Space, light, materials, and… Read more
This report outlines 5 cases for education intervention in Gaza: The strategic case outlines the context and expected outcomes. The appraisal case looks at feasible options addressing the Strategic case, the evidence for each option, costs and benefits of options, and value for money. The commercial case outlines direct and indirect procurement requirements and issues…. Read more