Tag: Youth Employment
Youth employment programmes are varied but meta-analysis and systematic reviews of impact assessments of these programmes indicate that some interventions have an overall positive effect on employment and earnings. Assessments of programmes which support youth job creation in the private sector find that larger businesses are more likely to generate jobs than micro-enterprises. In general,… Read more
There is growing evidence that youth unemployment is becoming a bigger issue and challenge than adult unemployment (Manpower group, 2012). While young labour participants and adult participants can be affected by similar opportunities and barriers to work, youth may experience these barriers to a greater degree and may also face additional constraints. This report explores… Read more
This paper provides a comprehensive look at the way the private sector is involved in youth skills and employment in low- and middle-income countries, considering the broad range of programme types and firm types. It presents and interpret the available evidence of the effectiveness of this involvement. It also presents an understanding of where the… Read more
Despite a lack of rigorous evidence, states and aid agencies encourage employment programmes to rehabilitate men who are at risk of returning to violence, in the belief that peaceful work opportunities will deter them from crime and violence. This paper presents an evaluation of a programme of agricultural training, capital inputs, and counselling for Liberians… Read more
The dramatic increase of low-income, low-skilled youth in labour markets is of concern particularly in developing countries. In some of these countries, young people are nearly three times as likely as adults to be unemployed. Youths are also more likely to work in the informal labour market than adults, in low quality jobs that offer… Read more
The objective of the Somali Youth Livelihoods Program (SYLP), known locally as Shaqodoon, was to establish systems that bridge supply and demand with necessary support to young people and employers. It aimed to provide Somali youth with a greater opportunity to access work opportunities. This evaluation presents quantitative and qualitative information and data that indicate… Read more
This is a synthesis report of the UN Secretary-General on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. It details a universal and transformative agenda for sustainable development of people and the planet, underpinned by rights. In the report, the Secretary-General makes that point that for progression, it will be essential that young people receive relevant skills. These… Read more
This document details the report of the Open Working Group of the UN General Assembly on the SDGs. It details recommendations for the post-2015 development agenda. A total of 17 SDGs are recommended. Goal 4 is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Target 4.4 is focused specifically… Read more
As many as 24 million youths live in Ghana. In the last 20 years it has shown impressive gains in economic growth and in poverty reduction. Sustained growth requires three steps: Increase productivity in the strategic economic sectors Diversify the economy Expand employment Raising the quality and quantity of skills provides a contribution to these… Read more
This report examines obstacles faced by households and firms in meeting the youth employment challenge. Its main focus is on productivity in agriculture, nonfarm household enterprises (HEs) and in the modern wage sector. Productivity is linked to higher earnings as well as to more stable, less vulnerable, livelihoods. Specific areas are identified where government intervention… Read more
This report uses data from the school-to-work transitions surveys (SWTSs) from 2012-2013. It assesses the labour market conditions of youth in rural and urban areas. From this perspective it offers insights into prospects for fundamental transformations of rural sectors within the development process. While confirming some blurring between rural and urban areas in terms of… Read more