COVID-19 Book of Five: Response and Containment Measures for ANM, ASHA, AWW


in January 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of a new coronavirus disease in Hubei Province, China to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Since then WHO has declared it as a Pandemic affecting more than 115 countries around the globe.

India witnessed its first COVID-19 case in Kerala on 30th January 2020. With cases rising steadily, all sections of our society must play a role if we are to stop the spread of this disease and the frontline health worker has the responsibility, the reach and the influence within the community. UNICEF and WHO are supporting the government of India in taking action to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. Towards this UNICEF and WHO developed a training toolkit for training FLWs on COVID response and containment measures.

The toolkit consists of this digital Pocket book of 5 which is a post training job aid and reference material for FLWs. This pocketbook has various topics related to COVID-19 and each topic has ‘5 to do actions’ for ANMs, ASHAs and AWWs to perform as response and containment measures towards coronavirus in India. This pocketbook serves as a ready reference for FLWs post training and the pdf can be loaded on WhatsApp and be a handy guide.


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