What are the Lessons Learned from Supporting Education for Marginalised Girls that Could be Relevant for EdTech Responses to COVID-19 in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries?


This report provides a rapid evidence summary of the impact of school closures on marginalised girls and presents strategies which involve elements of education technology to mitigate these negative impacts.

In considering the broader evidence on what works in supporting marginalised girls’ education, this report focuses on those that could be facilitated, through use of education technology, to support continuation of girls’ learning in a context of school closures and to support their return to school once they reopen.

Given that the most marginalised girls have very little access to education technology, and that this access will be further limited by school closures, this report includes strategies that require some face-to-face contact (for example, home visits, girls’ club meetings), that can be facilitated or monitored using technology.

Evidence on how education technology solutions can support learning among marginalised groups (including children with disabilities, special educational needs, and populations affected by conflict and crisis) during the Covid-19 pandemic is covered in other papers in this series (see #3 and #4). This paper therefore focuses in particular at addressing the gendered barriers to learning experienced by girls.
