Tag: COVID-19
COVID-19 is an unprecedented pandemic which has led to millions being affected and thousands dying every day across the world. The Government of India has announced a 21-day lockdown to prevent COVID-19 transmission in India -essentially buying time for health systems to be better prepared. While tertiary care systems are also being prepared it is… Read more
This graphic from BMJ, intended for use in a primary care setting, is based on data available in March 2020, much of which is from hospital settings in China. It will be revised as more relevant data emerges.
This visual summary explains new guidelines on use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by healthcare workers significantly expands the potential use of eye protection and fluid-resistant surgical masks, including to doctors carrying out face to face assessments where a patient’s risk of Covid-19 is unknown.
Learn how to don and doff basic personal protective equipment (PPE) as well as the principles of other important infection control measures in a hospital environment. This module forms part of the following courses: Infectious diseases – especially dangerous pathogens: level 5 certificate Learning outcomes After completing this module, you should know: The importance of… Read more
Learn about the principles of managing high consequence infectious diseases such as Ebola, MERS, SARS, from experts at the UK’s main high level isolation unit. This module forms part of the following courses: Infectious diseases – especially dangerous pathogens: level 5 certificate Learning outcomes After completing this module, you should know: The features that define… Read more
This brief sets out practical considerations relating to the design and impact of measures that restrict human movement patterns in the context of COVID-19. These measures include: quarantine, in which individuals who have been exposed to a communicable disease are separated from others for the duration of the disease’s incubation period; isolation, in which individuals… Read more
This brief sets out practical considerations relating to flows of information, misinformation and disinformation though online media, particularly social media networks, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It details various types of online media, key players and influencers on social media, and strategies for ensuring good information and disrupting mis- and disinformation. It is… Read more
This brief sets out key considerations for protecting informal urban settlements from the spread and impacts of COVID-19. There is heightened concern about these settings because of the combination of population density and limited infrastructure. This briefing discusses what is known about vulnerabilities and how to support local action. It can be viewed in conjunction… Read more
This Practical Approaches brief highlights key considerations for rapidly appraising burial/funerary practices and beliefs around death/dying during an epidemic. It provides guidance on the relevant social science knowledge required to adapt epidemic preparedness and response to the local context. By using this tool, an overview of local knowledge, meaning and practice will be gained, which… Read more
This rapid review focusses on efforts to mitigate the educational impact of previous disease outbreaks, concentrating on school-age learners. It follows two companion papers that reviewed broader secondary effects and attempts to mitigate them (Rohwerder, 2020; Kelly, 2020). It aims to inform the education sector’s responses to the COVID-19 crisis, although there are important differences… Read more
The global pandemic Covid-19 is impacting people in many and varied ways. The effects on all our lives are immense and diverse, from rural and urban communities, young and old, from different geographic and economic groups, we are each living with different realities of a global crisis. In this month’s episode of the Institute of… Read more